It’s that time of year!! Time to look back at what I accomplished and what I… didn’t accomplish.
So last year, I said I was going to make…
1. Willow – Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nope. Even though this would have been easy I just never got to it.
2. Johanna’s Interview Dress – Catching Fire

3. She-Ra
No 🙁
4. Donna Noble – Partners in Crime
Well, I kinda did this. I had everything together for it and ended up not liking how the suit pants were fitting. So I never wore it; I’ll have to find new pants first.
5. Romana II – Destiny of the Daleks
6. Catelyn Stark
7. Tonks
8. Elsa
I started on it, but didn’t get very far. I had plans to finish it up after Dragoncon, but still haven’t touched it.

So… that was pretty bad. Only 1 done and 2 “kindas.”
So what else did I do besides Elsa?
1. Megara

This one has been on my “want” list since 2004 – I was going to do it for Halloween 2004 but switched to Leia at the last minute. So I think that counts as marking one off the list, even if it wasn’t on 2014’s list originally.
2. Rogue as Ms Marvel

As soon as I saw this concept art I wanted to do it, and decided to go ahead and put it together since I (thought I) still had my pattern pieces from my red and black classic Ms Marvel. Turns out I didn’t have those anymore so I had to remake the pattern, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out anyway.
3. Donna Noble – Unicorn and the Wasp

I did NOT finish this one, but I did start on it, so it counts a bit towards costumes for this year, right?
4. Donna Noble – Fires of Pompeii

Once I realized I wasn’t going to finish Unicorn & Wasp, I threw this one together. It needs some tweaking before I wear it again.
5. Peggy Carter

Thought this would be fun to do. I was right. It was a really fun build and I enjoy wearing it. I made the jacket, skirt and belt – I do need to take the jacket up at some point, but it’s not entirely necessary.
6. Anne Boleyn

Because I can never have enough Anne Boleyn dresses. The most work of the year went into this costume. Besides the dress, I also did the jewelry and made a new corset for it. (My old Tudor corset was not very good.)
7. Marie Antoinette TARDIS Updates

The whole reason I did this was because I wanted to wear it in the Dragoncon parade. And then I decided not to walk in the parade, but I finished it anyway. New hat, underskirt and bustles for the skirt.
9. Marvel Bag

I made a new bag out of some Marvel fabric I had laying around, for Dragoncon. Never switched back again though, still carrying it now.
10. Little girl poncho shawls

Made these for my little cousins just over the past few days. I kinda want one for myself now; there was some pretty black and pink checked wool I saw recently that would be really cute.
2015 Plans?
Thanks to the cosplanner app, I’ve been able to actually keep up with my costume ideas this year, way better than I ever have been able to before!
1. Belle’s Something There Dress – Remake
I got the idea to remake this while working on working on my Re-Upload Project recently – I just went through my 2007 photos of this costume from MTAC that year, and I kept thinking how fun it would be to re-do it, and have a little more fun with the design. Last week I drew up some ideas, and this weekend I scouted some fabric. Hoping to maybe get started on this soon.
2. Finish Unicorn & Wasp Donna Noble
I got a decent start on it this year, I’ll probably take it with me in the car on the way to orlando to work on!
3. Elizabeth
I’d like to do a costume from the 1998 Elizabeth. Not one of the giant elaborate gowns, thinking about her blue dancing dress from the beginning.
4. Janet Snakehole (Parks and Rec)
Just a fun Dragoncon costume.
5. Queen Elinor – Brave
I’m getting too old for Disney Princesses I guess. Time to move on to the queens.
I’ve got a few more ideas kicking around but those are the only ones I feel like sharing at the moment. Top of my list for now, everything is just half-formed ideas…